
From shadow to light in the contrasts and reliefs in the games of existence, this is art


From an early age she felt invincibly attracted by the colors of Nature, objects, shapes in their shadows etc.Myriam Audran is a self-taught painter. Myriam Audran born in Sète, she started in 2006 to create a collage that surrounds her with colors based on pigments and water.
Among the artists who have marked and inspired him is Vassily Kandinsky, Franz Marc and Oskar Kokoschka, Emily Carr, who is close to the abstract expressionists, devotes his work to the figure of contrasting color forms in depths and contrasts. in the essence of form and its radiation alone or accompanied. Myriam Audran is the author of paintings whose scattered construction almost built, enjoy the many possible abstract art, figurative material that seems to accommodate the modulation of tones and color, she takes the painting as the l Thirsty for microcosm and macrocosm in perpetual motion. It is for her an ephemeral need expressed by an embrace of colors, multiple or by two three four in shades.

But his work also opens to a figuration to discover. Art is not to reproduce nature, but to speak it by its heart, my works are born for my own expression, that is to say, a free and first individual production. My production is the expression of a will, to speak without the physical word, a liberation to make place in the feelings in the mind in the creation of new matter. When I decide to create a work for a person who asks me, a landscape, an animal, a house, I do it for the pleasure of the person, to express the essence, the model, the expression colors chosen in the solicitation.


Vassily Kandinsky, Franz Marc, Oskar kokoschka, Emily Carr, Camille Pissaro, constatin Corovine, william Merritt chasse, Soulage, Picasso, Claude Monet, Fernand roux, artiste peintre, autodidacte, nature, couleurs, ombres lumières, expérimentation, maîtres du passé, expressionnisme abstrait, figuratif, cubisme, matière et techniques picturales, liberté artistique, créations originales, lumière prisme, paysages, animaux, maisons


2006-2021 aucune école autodidacte France

The artist at work

Artist value certified: Audran's works have been evaluated by an independent expert.

Certification 2024 : €650.00
Certification has been established by Jacques-Armand Akoun on Jul 30, 2024.
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Solo Expositions

2024 L'isle-jourdain j'expose mes oeuvres cubistes pour la première fois septembre L'isle-jourdain, Occitanie, France

2024 exposition à Aulus- les -bains Juillet Aulus les bains, Ariège, France

2007 Exposition Mairie Radio Les Les, Spain

2006 Bibliothèque ancely Toulouse, France

2006 Exposition Mairie Radio Les, Spain

Collective Expositions

2024 Exposition de Rue en juillet association les papillons Carpentra, Vaucluse, France

2024 Sallon du petit format juillet Latoue, Occitanie, France

2018 Salon d'été de Castillon en couseran Castillon, France

2017 Salon d'été de Castillon en couseran Castillon, France

2013 Exposition Aucazein, France

2007 Fondation René Pous Auterive, France

2007 Exposition espace Saint Jérome Toulouse Toulouse, France

2007 Badalona Vi certamen internacional de pintura Zurbaran Badalona, Spain

2006 Salon de l'académie culturelle internationale des artistes de France 2006 Gimont, France

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